
Buildup to Open War: Threats and Counter-threats Over Ukraine

Analyzes the prelude to the conflict in Ukraine:

  • How NATO grew from twelve members to 30-plus
  • How Ukraine’s civil war targeted Russian speakers
  • NATO exercises in 2021 near Russia with 30,000 U.S. troops, simulated bombing raids, and thousands of
    NATO “instructors” in Ukraine
  • Rise of fascist gangs in Ukraine
  • Minsk II peace deal adopted by France, Germany
  • Russia and Ukraine in 2015, and endorsed by the UN
  • Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, Europe’s need for energy
    and desire to remain neutral.

War Threats Add to Climate Change Danger… examines the global debate about the danger of climate change, adding information about the role of the U.S. military in global emissions, suggesting a simple solution: ground the bombers and save the planet.

‘This Battle Will Not Be Won in Days or Months’ highlights Biden’s declaration that Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power.” Provides details about the “PR war,” and the round of peace talks in March 2022, after Russia said “the main tasks of the first stage of [its] special military operation had been completed.”

Showdown at ‘Credibility Gulch’ in Ukraine War examines credibility of the official U.S. war narrative; presents Scott Ritter’s history of Ukraine’s fascist movement with U.S. support. Includes testimony of former NATO military analyst Jacques Baud about neo-nazi forces in Ukraine; also Ritter’s commentary on the war crimes issue, and Michael Pompeo’s admission about U.S. lying, plus Zbigniew Brzezinski’s “Grand Chessboard” strategy to partition Russia, and the role of State Department operative Victoria Nuland.

Anti-Russian Propaganda Limits Peace Prospects describes the surge of anti-NATO protest, and the “confusion of the American people” which misunderstands the sources of the conflict and echoes the neocons in Washington and mainstream media. Explains refusal of countries outside Europe to go along with sanctions. Presents an alternative basis for peace, reflecting Ukraine’s ethnic composition.

Sanctions: A Wrecking Ball in a Global Economy reviews illegal unilateral measures of economic coercion, a preferred U.S. tactic against countries that stray from the fold. It details how sanctions are imposed on more than forty countries, but have become a boomerang devastating Europe, and how the main U.S. targets of sanctions are leading the world in breaking free from U.S. domination.

Dissenting Soldiers Challenge the War Machine relates the experience of soldiers who have spoken out based on their experience in the “forever wars.”

The Socialist Antiwar Tradition: Leading the Fight Against War and Imperialism describes the role of socialists in opposing U.S. wars, from Eugene Debs and the Green Corn Rebellion led by the Socialist Party and the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in 1917, to the alliance of SDS and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) that led to the massive movement against the U.S. war in Vietnam. Also details the roles of the Black Panther Party and the GI resistance, and antiwar combat veterans. Concludes that “the obvious lesson is that peace and social transformation go together.”